
Ok, so this is a post reflecting about 2014 so far now that the year is almost over. I would say 2014 is mostly a reflection about 2013, the year I graduated school and all. For some reason, all the college talk was making me seriously depressed. I almost did not come to England…thank God I did because that’s the reason I consider myself lucky after all. By being here, I have the chance to have a world class education that is likely to give me a good future but most of all I met wonderful friends I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Being in Europe is really interesting, being able to explore all the countries, try new foods, hear new languages – well, some of them I don’t really like, I will be honest.

Overall, I feel like this experience has somehow opened my eyes and revealed my true self. It’s weird how people change so much depending on where you are. If I was not liked somewhere else I am liked here by the majority of people, but that’s just because I am happier here probably.

Thanks to this experience, I am relatively more sure about the career I want to pursue. Of course, music is still something I would like to pursue, and I am glad I forgave myself for some events…this is what led me here, after all. Without the “tragedy” and all the bad years, I wouldn’t have got to the happiness I currently feel. So, in a weird way, things turn out ok… maybe things happen for a reason? Well, I don’t really think that’s true but I do believe there’s some sort of order in this chaos we call our lives…

Basically, 2014 was bad and good. In the beginning it was bad because I questioned everything but in the end I made the right choice and am happy where I am right now. For next year, my goals are probably to get good grades, try to improve, hopefully do well with doing two degrees (International Business and International Relations) and master my French speaking skills. Maybe publish some songs and get ahead with my French project.

Now I ought to enjoy my vacation time. I go to London next week, Lily Allen’s concert and then Switzerland which shall be lovely 🙂

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About thaiscmgomes

I'm Brazilian. I study International Relations at Keele University in the United Kingdom. I love traveling and learning foreign languages. If you love that too, welcome to my blog! :) Follow me on instagram: @thaismiel
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2 Responses to Luck

  1. Rayane says:

    Linda, Thay!

    Eu to muito feliz que vc está ai e está conseguindo ser feliz. Também não acredito nisso de as coisas acontecem por uma razão, mas quem sabe? Talvez vc não estaria ai se tudo oq aconteceu na sua vida não tivesse acontecido, sabe? Sei lá…é meio filosófico isso então vou parar, hahaha.

    Tô amando ler aqui, e realmente tô muito animada por vc. Espero que vc possa continuar assim!


    Liked by 1 person

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